If you looking for our site gives you this game free. This game is a very popular game for the Indian public. This game can be played by boys and girls of all ages. But in PlayStore this game is available in limited edition. On our site, we will provide you with this game. We provide you with this game’s latest update version.
The developer is Moonfrog. This game is played on various types of platforms iOS, macOS, Android, Windows 10 Mobile, & Windows Phone 8, released on 06 September 2016. Based on a board game. Actually this game is a multiplayer game. After this game release, they have lots of users in the Play-Store 50 Million+. In Apple App Store and Andriod App Store, this game is the rank in the Top 10 of the games section. So after the description, we say that this game is a very very trending game for Indian game users.
So if you want to download the full version, on our site you can get this game easily. And also you can get the latest updated version. After playing this game you agree that this game is actually awesome. So don’t be late, just click the download button and download this game.
Here we will tell you this game interface and how to play this game. So carefully read this gameplay and features and how to install.
After opening this game here you can see, Profile option, Coins section, Game Money section, Settings option, Login bonus, Lucky Chest, Facebook connect, Ranking, Inventory. In this game there are four types of gameplay 1) Online, 2) Local, 3) Computer, 4) Friends.
Here we will discuss this game’s main options.
The profile is the most interesting option in this game. In this option, here you can see your gameplay strategy. Here in this option, here you can see your Total Earnings, Game Won, 2 player wins, 4 player wins, Pawns Captured. And here you can also edit your profile by changing your name, Choosing your Country, and Choosing your Avatar.
The inventory option is a very common option. In this option, here you change your many things. Here we will tell you what things do you change. In this option, here you can change your Dice, here you can get various types of Dice. Here you can choose your choosable Dice. And here you can choose your Fame Design. Also, get various types of Emoji.
Now We will tell you gameplay modes.
1> Online: In this gameplay, here you play two modes, 1) Classic, 2) Rush. In Classic mode, here you can play online this game using two players or four players. And Rush mode opens after the Unlock the Level 3.
2> Locals: In this gameplay, here you can choose 3 types of players mode like 2 players, 3 players, and 4 players. After the choose the player, you can play this game easily.
3> Computer: In this gameplay, here you can play this game with you and the computer. Here you can use 2 players and 4 Players.
4> Friends: In this gameplay, here you can play this game with your Facebook Friends. After the log in this game with your Facebook ID.
In this game MOD APK [Easy Win | Unlimited Coins], here you see a board, this board has a total of Four-color rooms like RED, YELLOW, GREEN, and BLUE. And a Dice. These Dice have six sites and there has points, points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. After you get to point 6, you can get more chances to play one time more.
If you are interested in a challenging game, this game is a challenging game. Here you collect coins from friends and rewards. After these collect coins, then you will pay for betting. Here you can get lots of coins. After the Download and Install.
Super game